Attention Deficit Disorders

In recent years we have been made more aware of alphabetical labels of conditions or groups of symptoms which have been classified as learning disabilities and attention deficits or developmental delays. These labels most often come as a surprise to parents who are eager to send their very inquisitive child to their first classroom to satisfy their desire to learn everything. In talking with parents over the last 30 years there have been a number of comments which have been noticeably common, for example:

The child doesn't miss anything. He sees everything in the room.
The child never forgets anything, frequently recalling details which adults fail to see and similarly recalling facts which their parents have forgotten.
The child may be very precise and orderly in the placement and organization of toys and items in the room.

These comments and many others indicate an alert and very attentive individual who learns quickly, and then retains and recalls information. Can this be a learning disability? Most of the time these learning problems are recognized soon after a child begins to attend school. Are teachers that much more astute than parents? It is also noted that the behavior of the child appears to depreciate, along with the school work. The progressive failure produces psychological stress and protective reactions.

There is no specific physical coordination failure which is common to children with various learning problems. Some are physically adept, even outstanding in play and sports activities, while others are slow, clumsy and poorly coordinated. Some who have been marked as difficult with writing, appear to be outstanding in art. Some who have marked difficulty with auditory comprehension, may display musical talents. These are contradictions to a learning problem. If each of these dysfunctions are viewed as an aberration of necessary sensory function, then we begin to understand learning disability as a problem of perception failure, a problem of incomplete understanding of environmental sensory factors, or a failure to properly and automatically react to the variety and complexity of environmental stimulation. These perception failures are easily observed and defined. They respond well to a natural sequence of developmental stimulation and activities. Improvements are usually quickly observed, and tend to be permanent. No medication is necessary, or even helpful. €œLearning disabilities are correctable.

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy is a neurological disability.

Inappropriate movements and postures are the result of interference with, or loss of, sensory ability or physical functions which are normally developed during early prenatal life. All deformities reflect neurological developmental imbalance and therefore should be corrected by addressing neurosensory factors. Deformities become orthopedic through imbalanced neurological stimulus for extended periods of time. Neurological development follows a precise and predictable sequence, especially in early prenatal life, providing a necessary background for all future development and learning. These are the factors which are lost or inhibited by physical or chemical trauma to the central nervous system, most commonly by lack of oxygen, during or near the time of birth.

Most neurological failures and coordination problems can be improved. Most deformities can be prevented, when the deformities are still limited to soft tissue. Our treatment method is designed to stimulate the nervous system to define and correct its own errors, and make the necessary corrections.


Simple, natural methods, special sequences of sensory stimulation movements,
hydrotherapy, linear contractile stimulation, and passive and assisted exercises comprise the format required to encourage the nervous system to scan out and correct its inhibited abilities. All procedures are done in environments designed to specifically enhance correction, while limiting all extraneous distracting stimuli.

We use no medication, no electrical stimulation and no meditation. There is no need for motivation, teaching, or practice. Improvements in control, range, and new functions are usually observed by family members and/or care persons within 1 to 2 weeks and continue to improve for significant periods through home program activities. Improvements gained through enhanced developmental methods appear to be retained without continuous practice.

Modification of muscle tone, a decrease in spasticity and an increase in muscle tone and strength are expected. Increased range of motion without stretching, splinting, casting or bracing is expected. Increased strength without progressive resistive exercise, and improved coordination without repetitive practice.

Spinal Cord Injuries
By: Ed Snapp P.T.

In the past thirty years I have had numerous opportunities to work with spinal cord injuries using techniques which are designed to address the nervous system directly rather than trying to teach the patient to use residual ability through great effort and practice. The teaching and practice efforts usually resulted in the gradual acquisition of the function of each next lower spinal segment. This seldom seems to affect more than 2-4 segments below the injury. By addressing the nervous system through a sequence of sensory stimuli, a different sequence of relearning seemed to be consistent. Patients with injuries between T-5 and T-12 seem to be the most responsive, even with long-standing paralysis. The primary response is most frequently the return of the spinal extensors (back muscles used for sitting erect) on both sides of the spinal column. The next expected function is the ability to intensify the unilateral contraction of the spinal muscles when turning the head or moving the head from side to side. The next expected function is from the adductor muscles (legs together) of the hips from an abducted position (legs apart), then the beginning of hip flexion and adduction from a position of moderate abduction and outward rotation of the hip. These early movements must be evaluated on an oil-slick surface. As these functions are developed, a sequence of basic movement patterns progresses, in prone mobility and quadruped (crawling on all fours) mobility as a basis for development of muscle strength and endurance. The above responses are not dependent on the ability of the person to be aware of either sensory stimulation of the feeling of muscle activity or movement of the extremities. In essence, it appears that the spinal reflexes and movement patterns below the injury can be accessed and educated at the same time that the higher levels can be re-educated. In addition, the observation of the intentional contraction of the spinal musculature below the injury indicates that the nerve impulses have traversed the injured area, since the spinal muscles are innervated at the level of their nerve roots. These observed reactions also indicate the ability of the individual to transmit impulses of remembered actions through the injured area even though there is no sensory ability to relate to the position of the extremity at that time.

Traumatic Brain Injury
By Ed Snapp P.T.

I never ask anyone to believe what I say, but I always hope they will think about it. This is the case with the sequence of activities used for our clients with various dysfunction of the central nervous system, especially traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy.

We have long ago recognized, as have most close family members of brain injured individuals, that the injured person most often:
Is aware of the surrounding people, although not able to look directly at them.
Is aware of language and conversation, although unable to process and respond physically, or to speak.
Is aware of people, significant objects or activities in their field of view, although unable to move their eyes to the object, move their eyes toward another stimulus or to track movements.
Understands what movements they want to make, although they are unable to initiate or control them.


Our treatment methods are simple, and are based on the natural sequence of development of the nervous system, relative to development of the human genetic design, and the expected sequence of development of the individual nervous system. We attempt to use specific sensory stimuli which existed in the very early development of our species in a sequence which replicates the natural learning sequence as closely as possible. The client's nervous system usually rewards us with an appropriate response within a few days.

Sensory factors, environment and movement activities are provided in a closely controlled sequence to re-establish a background of reaction, body awareness and progressive control in the same order which could be expected in a developing embryonic baby.

Addressing the sensations and functions which are first developed in embryonic life best attains recovery. As the background is developed the progressively higher levels of function are achieved in order. This is not a teaching or instructional process. It is not accomplished by repetition or practice. The active nervous system appears to be progressively reprogrammed from indwelling information, I assume from genetic information.


This is a diagnosis which sneaks up on you. It can begin with a severe trauma or with a minor illness. It can progress through areas of muscle soreness or joint pain, tactile sensitivity, stress reactions, anxiety, and/or depression. It can encompass any number of problems. It may defy all efforts to define a cause, and is invariably difficult to treat effectively with lasting results. New pains, tensions, headaches, sleeplessness, and chronic fatigue can become an expected part of your life.

When we began to work successfully with the many problems of Post Polio Syndrome, we realized that through our very basic and natural treatment protocol we were able to affect multiple symptoms and complex troubles which had proven to be resistant to treatment. Our patients had invariably sought relief through the usual and customary methods of treatment. Medical, physical, psychological, and various alternative methods frequently provide temporary relief of one, or some of the problems, but remaining dysfunctions tend to trigger their return.

Chronic pain

Like Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain can also sneak up on you. It can affect any area of your body. In its efforts to protect itself from further pain, the body may interpret virtually any contact, or any body sensation as pain, adding to its woes.
Significant relief from multiple and complex sites of pain were also an outgrowth of our successful work with clients who were experiencing the many problems of Post Polio Syndrome. We realized that through our very basic and natural treatment protocol we were able to affect multiple symptoms and complex troubles which had proven to be resistant to treatment. Our patients had invariably sought relief through the usual and customary methods of treatment.

When your own nervous system is enhanced to evaluate its own problems, it appears to have the ability to define and often correct the source. It recognizes the cause, rather than the symptoms.

Our methods are basic, simple and natural procedures, which include primarily hydrotherapy, linear contractile stimulation, sensory stimulation and passive exercise. We ask our clients to relax as much as possible. Don't try to help us. It works best when we do it all.

Every movement of every modality is performed in a strictly controlled sequence. Special sequences of environmental controls provide the relaxation, the stimulus, and the focal enhancement to define and correct the body's own difficulties.

Your best doctor resides in your own body. Your body has to heal every cut, repair every fracture, get rid of toxins, respond to prescribed medications then get rid of the medications. Surgery is only successful when the body has finished its job of repair.

The body knows how to make antibodies to fight intruding infections and automatically knows the sequence of events needed to survive and fully recover from many illnesses which we have never heard of.

The body must be attentive  too many problems, and is often weakened by an illness or trauma leading to a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, (pain in the areas of fiber and muscle in soft tissues). Our treatment maximizes relaxation, provides relief and good sensations in place of pain and stress. It helps the body to focus on its ability to repair. We can't make promises for success, or guarantees. We can tell you with confidence, that a high percentage of our clients experience significant and lasting improvement, usually within a few days of treatment. We are devoted to improving the quality of your life.

Post Polio Syndrome

The primary symptoms of post polio syndrome are:
-Progressive loss of strength.
-Rapid, intractable fatigue.
-Progressive chronic fatigue.
-Joint and muscle pain, frequently non-responsive to medication.

There are numerous other factors observable in most patients including, but not limited to:
-Muscle imbalances.
-Uncoordinated movements or muscle substitution.
-Various gait and posture problems.
-Chronic pain.
-Trigger point pain.

During the periods following the recognition of the Post Polio Syndrome, or the Latent Effect of Polio, it was found that attempts to treat the specific symptoms, such as those listed above, produced very limited and transient relief. The disabilities invariably progressed. The common suggestions for treatment included:

Cut back on all activities. Virtually any type of exercise or postural effort, even in brief episodes, increased symptoms.
Lose weight. Avoid anything that would cause any muscle to work hard.
If you are walking, get lighter shoes.
If you have difficulty lifting your feet, get braces.
If you are wearing braces get lighter ones.
If you fatigue while walking, use crutches. If you are using crutches get lighter ones or use a wheelchair. If you are using a wheelchair get an electric drive cart or chair.
If you have a job, try and cut back to 1/2 the time,
until such time as you will have to quit work.
Control your pain with medication.
Massage may give temporary relief of pain.
Rest as much as possible.
Eat a balanced, nutritious, low calorie diet.
Join a support group.

These were well meant suggestions, but accomplished little if anything and the patients progressed rapidly, towards total debilitation.

Protocol for Post Polio Syndrome

The approach to treatment protocol in this center is designed to address all physical, anatomical and physiological facets of the syndrome simultaneously. Following a very extensive treatment period, we provide a continuing self-care format, which would allow an active life of greater quality. The protocol we presently offer provides, what we think is, the broadest scope of improvements demonstrated to maintain its effects for, in some cases, extensive periods of up to 5 years.

We are very gratified with this result, since we are working with a part of the population who are supposed to experience similar decline, simply because of age.

Our purpose is to stop the decline of function, stop the pain, and most importantly, improve the quality of life on a day to day basis. The results have exceeded our hopes and expectations.

Treatment responses

The response of the first client treated by the new format was so positive, and so rapid that all subsequent clients have been scheduled for a period of only 10 days to limit expense for the clients or their sponsors. Of those who received this two week treatment format, more that 85% regained strength and/or function similar to their abilities of 5-10 years previous. Some regained functional strength of muscles which were nonfunctioning and atrophied since the acute disease episode as long as 35 years ago. Of even greater importance, is the fact that most of the individuals have retained or enhanced their improved status over a period of two to five years (to this date) through their home program activities, and through telephone consultation when any problems arise.


Why wait to find out how we can help!

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e-mail James ~

Cerebral Palsy
Developmental Delay
Brain Injuries
Post Polio Syndrome
Sensory Deficits
Spinal Cord Injuries
Chronic Pain
Chronic Fatigue
Post Traumatic Stress
Coordination Failures
Visual Failures
Posture Enhancement
Natural Muscle Tone Management
Autonomic Failures
Cognitive Function
Motor Deficits

It is our goal to greatly improve your quality of life!

Some of the most common diagnoses we have worked with are listed below... Please scroll down further to read about certain diagnoses we have worked with...


